Black friday


General acupuncture

Acupuncture offers holistic health benefits, from pain relief and stress reduction to improved sleep. As a complementary therapy, it balances the body’s energy for overall well-being.

Farringdon clinic -30%

Was £144, now £101 per session

Oxford Circus clinic -20%

Was £144, now £115 per session

Epsom, Surbiton clinic – 20%

Was £85, now £68 per session

When you buy 10 sessions. 

This holistic approach involves inserting fine needles into specific facial points, stimulating collagen production, improving blood circulation, and promoting a youthful complexion. Facial acupuncture helps diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and promotes a natural, radiant glow.

Get ready for Xmas!

Farringdon clinic – 30% (price is from)

Was £114, now £80 per session 

Oxford Circus clinic – 20%

Was £114, now £91 per session 

Epsom, Surbiton clinic – 20%

Was £96, now £76 per session

When you buy 10 sessions.