Standard Facial Acupuncture
To address all your concernes
Major complaints: skin changes associated with ageing, such as:
Forehead, frown line, crows feet and nasolabial fold are more noticeable
Lines around your lips
Loss of elasticity and firmness
Skin looks lacklustre, dry and dehydrated
This standard acupuncture rejuvenation treatment is focused on stimulating the collagen and elastin production to improve suppleness, firmness, softness, and flexibility of your skin. Acupuncture also helps to relax tense muscles and tone the one which needs it. As a result the lines and wrinkles will be softened and volume and firmness will be back. Cosmetic Acupuncture also helps to increase oxygenation and revitalisation of the cells, therefore your skin will look bright and have a healthy glow.
Standard acupuncture facelift will be beneficial for almost everyone, it helps to deal with the very first signs of ageing and with static wrinkles.
75 minutes treatment includes:
Needles on the acupuncture points and lines for 30-40 minutes + acupuncture points on your body for 30-40 minutes
Facial calming mask for 20 minutes
Approximately 8-10 sessions every week are recommended to get results with maintenance sessions every 6-8 weeks.
Treating from the root
TCM helps to balance energy, find the root of the problem and treat it. Togeather with facial acupuncture general points are always used to answer to any health issue. So it is not only beauty procedure but also improves your health.
- Neurological conditions
- Pain management
- Women’s health
- Emotional problems
- Digestive issues
- Aging